Saturday, November 14, 2009

Herring Gull

This is a classic sea gull. This gull is large, noisy and always looking out for easy meals. This is captured while it is sitting on a boat at the Adriatic sea (Gulf of Trieste, Italy). This may be looking for fish as the boats are usually made for fishing in the deep sea.

Photo: Abhijit Kar Gupta, Kolkata, India.


  1. I love the animals you are sharing pictures and the bit of information about them. They are very nice pictures, too! I work with lots of animals and their pictures too, and help put them on But these are most often animals that are people's pets rather than the ones you are sharing, like this pretty see gull.

    Good luck on your blog, and I am so happy to follow you!

  2. Hello Maria,
    welcome to our animal world blog! We would like to have your participation as you love animals. You can send pictures of any animal or bird to the mail: Pets no problem :)
    You may add some words, some special characteristics may be in case of pets.
    Thank you so much for your interest. Best wishes.
